Easy Ways To Increase Website or Blog Traffic (for FREE) Today!Easy Ways To Increase Website or Blog Traffic (for FREE)

You DON’T need to be an expert at copywriting or SEO to increase your website traffic. Here are some tips you can do to get Increase Website Traffic started.

Even if you’ve been around for awhile, even if your site is already up and running and you are not getting any traffic, one of the possible reasons for this is that your site is not adequately optimized. In order to get a good search engine ranking in queries related to your site, your web pages must be focused on your target keywords, and these keywords need to be placed strategically in the meta tags (title, description and keywords), in the headlines of your page, in the opening paragraph of text, in the anchor text of links on your page and even in file names. Thorough and proper placement of key words and phrases is what optimization is all about.

Here are my tips as to how increase Web Traffic Easily And Effectively:

1) Put your link in all of your forum signatures. This is a good way to get a lot of one-time visitors, but you’re still creating backlinks, and your posts are fairly permanent. Later on, when your blog improves with more content, forum goers can still find your link floating around in that forum.

2) Submit each post to at least two social bookmarking websites. I submit each of my posts two four of these: Digg, StumbleUpon, Technorati, and del.icio.ous. Many people come to your site through these, and if others bookmark your post as well, it will slowly move up in the chain, and become more visible to new potential visitors. It’s very much a process that works your posts into fame, almost automatically.

3) Create content people will link to. The only way to improve website traffic long-term is to have others start linking you. Soon, their own social network can find and link you, and then members of their network can link you, and so on. Try to create content that will teach your readers something, or give them a freebie of something useful. Also, find keywords that are relevant to your site and it’s contents, and use them throughout the meta tags, page title, post titles, navigation, and in the actual content.

4) Have a Blogging Platform. Blogging platforms are a search engine’s best friend. With an organized programming structure and easy to find updated content, new information is served to the search engine to crawl each time you make a post. WordPress offers many SEO friendly plugins in addition to the benefits provided by the platform itself.

5) Use Social Networking Sites and Twitter. Social networking sites are a great way to promote your own content. You can add your link to the entire site, or link to original pieces of content. Better yet, you can add comments for content descriptions to peak the potential readers interest. Sites like Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook can be used on a more personal level to create community on your site. Not only can you post new links, but ask questions and get answers concerning your site, interact with your followers with their updates, and create a better bond with your followers overall.

In Conclusion

These Five things help, but any form of posting your website for potential visitors to see is helpful. The idea is to be able to drive new traffic to your site for each post, so you can constantly promote new and improved content.

This is the most important thing to remember when building website traffic– it takes time. Be patient, and expect a bit of failure along the way.

You now have all the action steps. Start putting this system to work and take your website to the next level!