Essential Tips for Improving your website #2People judge a website by how it looks. Good first impressions are critical to the success of your website. If your visitors don’t like the look of your site, they’ll quickly leave.  Did you know that a new visitor to your website will form a first impression in two-tenths of a second! In about 2.6 seconds users will focus their attention on the area that most influences their first impression. These statics come from eye-tracking studies conducted at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. And while great content helps, first impressions are 94% related to a website’s design.

1. Let Your Visitors Scroll on Your Homepage

Above the fold is old. Don’t be wary of designing a slightly longer homepage. Including 3-5 sections that help direct new and recurring users to proper areas of your site can help create a seamless experience.

2. Don’t be Afraid of White Space

Whitespace is an essential design element that helps you break up the page and increase readability.

3. Mobile Optimization

Don’t forget about optimizing your site for mobile. If you don’t already know, 80% of internet users own a smartphone, and “Google says 61% of users are unlikely to return to a mobile site they had trouble accessing and 40% visit a competitor’s site instead”.

4. Get Found

If you want to develop a substantial online presence, then you need to create a website that can get found. This starts with developing an SEO strategy that takes into consideration the search terms your buyer personas and audience would search for. This strategy terms should include creating content that’s relevant to the needs of your visitors.

5. Never Stop Testing

Evaluating conversion paths, how far users scroll, and where they are clicking, etc, are important qualities that can reveal if your pages are performing the way you intended.

6. Identify Unknown 404’s or Broken Links

Depending on the size of your website, or how long it’s been around, you may actually have a few pages or links here and there that aren’t working. And on top of all that, your visitors won’t even let you know.

7. Create New or Unique Offerings

Converting visitors is the core way you can evaluate how many users are moving down your marketing funnel. Many of us know that the way you typically convert visitors is by presenting offers, demos, or items that they will find attractive.

Making a good first impression on visitors is critical to the success of your website.