Your Website is Ugly – But we can fix it

Your UGLY website could be silently killing your business! At your company, reassessing and replacing bad, old, or outdated parts of your business should come naturally. If equipment breaks down or performs badly, you replace it with something better.

So we must ask ourselves some important questions: Does your website embarrass you? Is your company so ugly, so old, or not mobile friendly at all. Do you get nervous when you hand out prospective clients your business card? We can change that.

Is your website broken or malfunctioning? Do the pages appear and function differently depending on what browser you’re using? Are you having trouble getting a hold of your web designer and are in a stuck spot? I can help.

There is no longer any excuse to have a poorly designed website. If you look around the web, one thing you can say has happened as it’s grown is that the web has gotten a lot useful, and good looking.

In addition to needing the design to be of professional quality, the site needs to be easy to use, it needs to be responsive to all mobile devices, and it needs to convey the right message to all potential clients.

It is time to say Goodbye to your old website: It’s been a long and unfruitful relationship, but it’s just not working out and the time has come to say goodbye to your old, clunky, non-performing business website.

Outdated websites cost you customers. They frustrate and annoy your visitors and send a message that you don’t have the money or the good sense for customer service.

Have you ever tried to find out something about a store and found the web site useless? What about store hours and store location? No luck? Have a look at this site: the telephone number is always visible, the map up on top, details of the medical practice clear and easy to find.

Our unique process incorporates time-tested and proven marketing strategies that not only set you apart from your competition, but also delivers results you can take to the bank.

Things I can fix on your website

Many of my clients call on me to help when they’ve tried to move their website to a new server but it’s not working correctly. Others have noticed errors or broken pages on their site and can’t get a hold of their website designer for help. Sometimes people are trying to set up a script or add a form or video but it’s simply not working.

Common Website Fixes I perform

  • Missing pages
  • Slow loading time
  • Page errors
  • Browser differences
  • Broken links
  • Poorly coded html
  • Script errors
  • Backup restoration
  • Domain changes
  • Hosting changes
  • CSS errors
  • Outdated/unsupported code
  • Broken plugins
  • WordPress errors
  • Poor website security
  • Google Adwords errors
  • SEO issues
  • Page formatting issues
  • PHP errors
  • Template errors
  • Improper code usage
  • Broken sliders
  • Broken menus
  • Database connections
  • Server errors
  • Website version changes
  • Poor image quality
  • Website navigation issues
  • Accessibility problems
  • Browser compatibility issues
  • Dreamweaver errors
  • Improperly embedded code
  • Screen-size problems
  • Security holes

Whatever your website issue, I can probably help you fix it.


It’s not enough to have a website.

  • You need to know the best way to use that website to get more customers.
  • You need to know how to promote that website, and your business, using social media and good old fashioned networking.

We offer you

  • Responsive Mobile-Friendly
  • Easy to add videos, images, galleries, links, quotes
  • Shopping Cart E-Commerce Themes
  • Customizable menus, sidebars, headers, layouts, colors, typography, menus
  • Themes for writers who want readers. Carefully crafted typography and generous use of whitespace lets your writing shine.
  • Themes for photographers and artists with full width template for background images, featured image header, random images, random posts, showcase galleries
  • Add Coupons that Expire To Your Posts and Pages.
  • Add a Help Desk, a ticketing support system to your WordPress blog – manage, organize and archive inquiries created via email, phone and web-based forms into a simple easy-to-use multi-user web interface – providing your customers with accountability and responsiveness
  • Widgets for Newsletters, iContact, Mailchimp, etc.

It never ceases to amaze me how so many companies have bad Websites. I’m talking about Websites that are dog-ugly, a hassle to navigate and lack strong calls to action. And topping the list are Websites that don’t make it clear what the company does or why anyone would want to use its products.

You owe it to yourself and your business to put your best foot forward in every interaction with a customer or potential customer. More and more, those interactions are happening online, so make sure you’re not one of those people who are driving people away from their business by presenting a sub-standard website. You’ll be glad you did.

According to the survey “America’s Top 5 ‘Common Website Faults’ as found by Web users are:

  1. Slow running websites (65%) 
  2. Significant differences in Web page loading times (58%) 
  3. Broken website pages (42%) 
  4. Web addresses that lead nowhere (34%) 
  5. Online orders not processed (32%)

Give me a call and let’s fix your website

My approach is simple. Give me a call, tell me what’s wrong, and we’ll work together to fix it. I charge by the hour for the time spent fixing your website, and will back up your files, identify the issue, repair it, and most important, communicate with you throughout the entire process.

When you’re ready to fix your website, contact me through this website or give me a call at (647) 403-2052 and we’ll get your website fixed in no time.