It can. Google and other search engines do understand that getting hacked is not necessarily your fault, but they also have to protect the people they would otherwise send to your site. Once they find out that you have been hacked, they warn people about that before letting them visit your site. If you don’t address the problem quickly, they may also dock your search rank.

Now, If your site has been hacked and you have successfully cleaned your site and closed the security hole the attacker used to gain access, you’ll need to recover any damage done to your SEO ranking and reputation.

Now that you’ve submitted your site for a review by Google, you simply have to wait. Getting a site hacked can happen to anyone, so don’t feel too bad. Several famous websites have been defaced by hackers including The Sun and The Sunday Times newspapers in the UK.

The important thing to do if your site is compromised is to recover quickly, understand how the hack occurred and ensure that it doesn’t happen again.