Images and other media may be easily added to any post or page within WordPress.
How to add images
- From inside of the edit screen for a Post or Page use the Upload/Insert image icon (
) above the menu bar to open the image browser.
- A window will pop up. From here you may either choose an image to upload From Computer, From URL, or from files which have already been uploaded (in the Media Library or Gallery tabs)
- Once you’ve uploaded (or selected an image) you can then give it a Title, Caption (this will show up in a box below the image) and Description. The Link URL will determine what happens when the user clicks on the image and if you select File URL the user will see the fullsize image upon clicking. Most of the time the Link URL should be blank.
- Alignment will determine how the image is aligned in regards to the text on the page/post. If you’d like the image to float all the way to the right of the page with the text wrapping around it to the left then choose Right align.
- The Size determines which version of your image is uploaded. WordPress automatically creates aThumbnail (and sometimes Medium and Large size) of your image and allows you to choose which version to use.
- To add the image into the content of your Post/Page use the Insert into Post button and you’ll be brought back to the regular edit window where your image has been added.
How to set a Featured Image
Featured images are used for many custom themes and allow you to highlight a certain image to be shown in a special way for each page. Generally these are used to act as thumbnails for posts or product images.
- From inside of the edit screen for a Post or Page use the Set featured image link in the sidebar under the Featured Image panel. If there is already an image here just click Remove featured image.
- Upload a new image from your computer or go to the Gallery or Media Library tab to find an image you’ve previously uploaded and click Show.
- Near the bottom of the image information screen (below Size) click Use as featured image.
- You can now close the image pop-up window and Update your page or post to save your changes. The image you uploaded should now show up under the Featured Image panel.
How to add PDF’s, Docs and other files
- From inside of the edit screen for a Post or Page use the Upload/Insert media icon (
) above the menu bar to open the Media browser.
- A window will pop up. From here you may either choose a file to upload From Computer, From URL, or from files which have already been uploaded (in the Media Library or Gallery tabs)
- Once you’ve uploaded (or selected a file) you can then give it a Title (to be used when you add the file to your post). The Link URL will determine what happens when the user clicks on the title of the file and if you select File URL the user will be able to download the file upon clicking.
- To add the file into the content of your Post/Page use the Insert into Post button and you’ll be brought back to the regular edit window where your image has been added.
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