Lost your webmaster? Need a Web Guy now?

My Web Guy Just Quit. Help!

If you lost your webmaster, we can take over, we have done it (sadly) too often on the expense of the client. The mains reasons were that either the client was too small for them or that the webmaster was too small for the client. In either case, we can take care of anyone.

Pulling away from the traditional meaning of a person who designs and develops websites, our definition of a Webmaster is someone who keeps a site clean, functional and fresh on a daily basis. Beyond design and content management, webmastering is about advancing your site to new heights.

With Creative Web Design 123’s WordPress content management system you can be your own webmaster, or you can let us help to manage your system and complete more in-depth upgrades. Either way we want to make sure that your website is the last thing that worries you because:

My webmaster has gone AWOL, and my site is having problems. I don’t know who to talk to, or how to get my site’s back up. What can I do?

This was essentially the case for the web site for an organization I belong to. In fact, it happened twice, and we got very lucky each time. I’ll review what happened to us, how I recovered, and what every website owner ought to be doing to be prepared for exactly this scenario.

Creative Web Design 123’s webmastering program is designed to work like pre-paid calling cards.  You can buy a block of webmastering hours and place your requests to our support team as you need work completed OR we can work with you on a project by project basis.

If you only need some minor changes to your website, we can do that. For us  there is no small job. We our ticketing system, simply submit your request and we will work on it.

Each changes that we do on a project requires proper documentation.

Help When You Need Us

  • Lost your webmaster?
  • Nephew doesn’t have time?
  • Need some more expertise?

You wouldn’t believe how many clients we have picked up from companies that already had websites because their webmaster disappeared. Sometimes it’s because they used the nephew of a secretary that used to work there. Other times it’s because the web designer was only temporarily in the business. And then there are times when the webmaster is just too slow to make changes in a timely manor.

Whatever the case is, we can take over maintaining your website and probably offer some great ideas for improvements if you feel you’re ready for a website make-over.

If your business doesn’t have a web site yet, you know you need one. No matter what business or service, clients expect to see information online, 24 hours a day. From gift shops to professional offices to equipment, it’s no longer a matter of will you have a website, but when will you have one.

If you already have a web site, it may need to be updated (revamp). Things change quickly online and the great design you started with several years ago could very well be “stale” by now. Maybe you have moved or added products or services which are not reflected on your website. We offer a complimentary analysis of existing sites and free quotes.