Simple rules for writing a better blog | How to Write an Awesome Blog Posts10 Secrets for Writing Good Blog

Ernest Hemingway might have been onto something when he wrote that there is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.

The same, not surprisingly holds true for writing on a blog.

Great blog posts don’t magically engage readers. But by applying a few good tactics, your blog can attract and retain your ideal readers.

First off, be honest. The Internet is a huge place but it’s easily searchable. If you don’t take the time to be honest, people will figure it out pretty quickly. The same goes for social media, but it’s particularly true with writing your blog. Follow some simple advice, it’s easier to tell the truth than to try to cover it up later.

Whenever possible, be assertive but not aggressive and learn the difference.

Write the site that you want to read. That covers story selection, length, frequency, style, vocabulary, attitude, humor, level of sensationalism, and more. Don’t publish anything you’re not proud of. Be yourself.

Use Images in Your Blog Posts, you can use more than one image in a blog post. So my recommendation is to use the first image at the beginning, and then spread other images evenly throughout the post so they do their job of breaking the post down visually.

Posting Video on Your Blog. It’s no secret that embedding videos on your blog post is a great way to attract readership and conversion. However, using video to its fullest potential involves more work than slapping an embed code on an otherwise empty post.

Encourage comments. Allow comments, and respond to comments. Blogs are dialogues, not monologues.

Make it easy to subscribe to your feed by placing an orange RSS button in a highly visible location.

Include a list of related posts beneath each post. Many users find your site by searching for specific information. When readers find your post, why not point them to other posts on your site with similar information? Doing so can increase the page views per reader.

Post often. Posting regularly to your blog, such as daily, every few days, or every week, will change your experience of blogging. It will help you stay engaged with your topic. It will build a greater community of readers, who will post more comments.

Be accurate. This isn’t the same as being honest, it’s important to realize that bloggers aren’t journalists but that we’re still responsible to our readership. If you’re going to quote another blogger, make sure they’re accurate first.

Add context. Don’t assume people know what you’re talking about, especially if it’s obscure or technical. That doesn’t mean you need to rewrite five paragraphs of back-story for every new update to a news story — that’s usually a waste of time. But at least make sure that a good explanation of what’s going on is a click or two away.

Remember your manners and be courteous to your fellow bloggers. If you’re going to quote them, source them, reference their work, or even duplicate their ideas take the time to link back to them and give them and give them some credit. The web is a surprisingly small place, be polite about it.

Most importantly, if you want to write a successful blog then you have to be willing to give more than others. Put a little bit of yourself into every post you write, admit your own mistakes, and always shed a little blood on your writing.

In Conclusion

There are many ways to ensure you have great blog posts. These seven tips provide a good starting point and checklist to help you stay on track and create content your readers will devour and that will move them to action.

Blogging is one of those jobs that seems easy until you have to do it. Fortunately, it does get easier, and with time and practice, you’ll be blogging like a pro in no time.

Became the best version of yourself! Blog away!